
Showing posts from April, 2013

Aikido Class, April 30, 2013.


Moments of Time


Words and Notes



An Open Letter To the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo Sangha from James Ford Roshi:  I am so pleased to be able to tell you that I've offered both Do-on and Rinsen Denkai Dharma Transmission, and that they have accepted. In our style this is the first step of formal authorization as an independent Zen teacher within the mythic and historic lineage of Zen Buddhism. With this formal acknowledgement, they will be able to do everything a Zen teacher may with the exception of naming their own Dharma successors. That, too, I am confident will follow in good time. There are preparations to be made, but I expect to officiate at the Denkai ceremony for Rinsen in January of 2014, and with Do-on the following summer, probably July.  Yours in the Dharma, Myoun James Myoun Ford

Are You In?

A Dharma Talk with Rev. Rinsen recorded live at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, Feb 2013.